- annual insurance checks
- asset sheet protection (integral risk management process)
- claims management and support
- daily business support
- fringe benefits in connection with insurances
- information for social and personal insurances
- insurance analysis
- insurance comparisons
- insurance folder and content-management
- international program solutions and communication/reporting
- in-house broking-assistance
- know-how transfer for employees and entreprises
- motorfleet management
- negotiation with external parties
- news/market information
- optimization of insurance portfolio
- overview of insurances and analysis
- periodical premium and claims analysis
- personal information
- personal instruction (insurance part)
- quality controls of insurance documents
- workflow optimization
- asset sheet protection
- business continuity management
- claims analysis
- contractual conditions-support (liability part)
- presence management
- occupational safety
- risik analysis
- risk identification and analysis
- risk simulations
- risk management checklists
- risk management process
- risk management software